My daughter, Ainsley, doesn’t like cake. Seriously, who doesn’t like cake?!?!? Actually, she’s not a fan of dessert, period. The other five members of my family could live on just dessert, so we had her genetically tested because I was becoming concerned we might have one of those switched at birth situations on our hands. But nope, she’s all ours! 😉 Her favorite sweet treat is donuts so for her birthday, we decided to create a donut birthday party theme.
This was sweet and simple and perfect for her 7th birthday. With a few easy, DIY decorations, treats from the local donut shop, and a group of excited little girls, this Donut Birthday Party was a cinch to organize and created lasting memories for all!
As a mom of 4 kids, I’ve thrown my share of birthday parties. From elaborate parties at home to hosting fun at the local indoor playground, there are multiple choices for parents and great things about all the options. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is this: keep it simple.
The parties my 4th child has had wouldn’t make the cover of any magazine, but they’ve been just as much fun as my 1st child’s parties, the ones where I worked for months on details that would make Martha Stewart proud.
I used mint green, pink, & gold as our basic colors and built around that. I love to grab fabric and use it for table coverings or backdrops, the selection is better than what’s at the party store, and I can use the fabric for a future project, win-win! The tassel garland was made with tissue paper and there is a simple tutorial here, the large donut is cardboard covered in streamers that I made following the instructions here.
The food was super simple: donuts, donut holes, mini donuts, all in her favorite varieties, and pretzel chips in the pink cups, just because she wanted to have those, too! We dipped punch cups
in vanilla frosting and pastel sprinkles as a fun way to serve the mini powdered sugar donuts.
Pink lemonade was our beverage and the cups of Cheerios were “baby donuts” we used in a game. I served a yummy quiche to the moms and fresh fruit.
Can you guess what her favorite donuts are? Arranging them on a small cakestand created a perfect place for the birthday candles!
For our craft, the girls all painted donut fairies and donuts, using unfinished wood pieces and acrylic paint
I love how each one turned out so unique! While the paint was drying, it was time for some games and photos!
I bought this giant inflatable donutand it made the cutest photo prop! Everyone loved taking pictures and our family enjoyed it as a pool float after the party!
My daughter came up with the idea of everyone wearing their pajamas and we held the party at 10am so it carried on the brunch theme, perfect with the donuts, of course!
I found a simple Food Bingo Game(the one I used is no longer available but there is a cute one here) and printed copies for the girls, we used the “baby donuts” I mentioned as our place markers and played several rounds. Girls in this age group love to dance so we also played Freeze Dance , much to their delight, based on the squeals and giggles!
If you’re looking for more great Kid’s Birthday Party Ideas, don’t miss our Alternatives to Goody Bags or our Kid’s Birthday Party Hacks, you’ll love these ideas that save you time and money!
Emily says
Do you mind sharing where you found the 3 wood pieces for the fairy? Were the wings a flat butterfly shape? I love your idea and have been going crazy searching for the pieces! Thanks for any help!
Michelle Myers says
Yes, the wings were a flat butterfly shape I found at my local Michaels craft store. 🙂 All of the pieces should be available at your local craft supplier. Have fun!
Heather says
Do you have a link for the fairy that you had the kids paint? Such a cute idea
Michelle Myers says
Hi Heather! The fairy was pieced together with 3 different wood pieces. Enjoy!
Emily @ Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt says
That is so funny that she doesn’t like cake or sweets. But what a cute idea donuts made for a party! I love it!